About: Like all chamomile varieties, Roman Chamomile has a calming & relaxing personality. Especially suited to promote emotional health, diffuse or blend with massage oils to soothe the mind & prepare for rest. Roman Chamomile may also be added to your skincare routine to promote calm, nourished skin.
Composition: 100% Roman Chamomile essential oil, certified organic by USDA and EcoCert
Extraction: Water-steam distillation
Cultivation: USDA and EcoCert organic cultivation in France
Active Constituents: Isoamyle methacrylate, Isobutyl angelate, Isoamyl angelate, Methyallyl angelate, Trans-pinocarveol, 2-Methylbutyl angelate, Isobutyl butyrate, Isoamyl isobutyrate
Safety Information: No contraindications. For adults, use at less than a 5% dilution; for infants and toddlers, use less than 1% dilution (less than 6 drops per ounce of carrier). Some may have an allergy to Chamomile if they have an allergy to ragweed.