Electro Essence
Australian Bush Flower Essences
combination 30ml
Negative Condition:
• Feeling drained and flat
• Out of balance with earth rhythms
Positive Outcome:
• Reduces emotional effects of radiation
Greatly relieves fear and distress associated with earth, electrical and electromagnetic radiation. It helps to bring one into balance with the natural rhythms of the earth. Bush Flower Essences: Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Fringed Violet, Mulla Mulla, Paw Paw and Waratah.
Legal notice: Australian bush flowers essences and vibration media are foodstuffs within the meaning of Art. 2 of Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 and have no direct effect on the body or psyche proven by classical scientific standards. All statements refer exclusively to energetic aspects such as aura, meridians, chakras, etc.