About: Sandalwood has a deep, earthy-sweet aroma with a pronounced woody finish. When aged this essential oil becomes the finest of all woody scents. Sandalwood’s history goes back to ancient times when it was used as an oil or an incense for spiritual inspiration. The oil is steam distilled from the branches and twigs of sandalwood trees.
Cultivation: USDA and EcoCert organic cultivation in Australia
Composition: 100% Sandalwood essential oil, certified organic by USDA and EcoCert
Extraction: Water-steam distillation of Sandalwood twigs and branches
Active Constituents: Sesquiterpenoid alcohols: santalol, farnesol
Common Uses: Sandalwood can beautify the aroma of any homemade product. It may be added to blends for promoting mental clarity and for maintaining a balanced emotional state. Added to skin care products, Sandalwood may help support a clear and toned complexion.
Safety Information: Maximum Adult Dilution: 100%; can be used neat.